TESOL International TCCP Regional Training in Namangan

August 03, 2021

Under the English-Speaking Nation: Secondary Teacher Training Program (ESN: STT), American Councils for International Education Uzbekistan has entered into a partnership with TESOL International Association that planned to deliver its 140-hour in-person TESOL Core Certificate Program (TCCP) to 400 ESN:STT participants. In July, Four TESOL instructors, in partnership with the ESN U.S. Coaches, delivered six TCCP courses for 115 Regional Peer Members (RPMs) in six regions of Uzbekistan: Namangan, Fergana, Samarkand, Bukhara, Nukus, and Tashkent.

One of the TESOL instructors – Bita Bookman was responsible for TCCP training in Namangan together with ESN Core Trainer - Yana Kuchkarova for 30 RPMs. The teachers came from various regions of Namangan and Andijan such as Qo'rg'ontepa, Namangan city, Uchkurgan, Yangikurgon, Norin, Chust, Asaka, Balikchi, Pap, Turakurgan, Kosonsoy, Haqqulobod, Mingbuloq.


Bita shared her impression about conducting the sessions in Namangan: “It was such a pleasure working with Namangan RPMs in the Foundations and Adolescent courses. The group worked long hours and did an extraordinary job throughout the two courses. I was so impressed with the participants’ commitment, hard work, and insights. I loved hearing about and learning from their teaching experiences and innovative ideas. They are inspiring teachers and will be incredible peer mentors. I will surely miss them all!”

Bita Bookman has been in the TESOL profession since 2004. She earned her Ph.D. in Composition and Applied Linguistics at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. In 2020, she received the Innovative Researcher in TESOL Award for her doctoral dissertation research. She taught English in South Korea for seven years and has trained teachers in several countries including the United States, South Korea, Thailand, Honduras, Taiwan, and the Philippines.