Week 10.


Workshop Training Plan 

Workshop Title: Module 7 Extending Textbook Activities

Workshop Description: There are many good teaching materials published, but even good materials are not perfect for every teaching context. With the advance of technology, especially the Internet, rich instructional resources can also be found online. However, in order to meet the diverse needs of your teaching situations, it becomes necessary to adapt the teaching resources to deliver effective communicative instruction in English. In this module, you will have a chance to reflect on your teaching contexts and materials available to you. You will also explore ways to effectively adapt your teaching materials to foster a communicative classroom in English. 






Gain attention



what am i


What am I: 

  1. Write the name of animals on a sticky note.  Have a few more than there are students. 
  2. Explain learners will need to guess what type of animal they are by asking yes /no questions. Example Can I jump? Do I live in the jungle?  They can only ask one question per person. 
  3. Stick an animal on all learners  backs.  
  4. Have them mingle around asking one question per person. 
  5. When they think they know what they are they need to come asks you< “Am I a ….” if they guess right change their sticker if they are wrong set them back into mingle. 

Animals: panther-tiger-snake-bear-wolf-elephant-frog-lion-deer-monkey-eagle- crocodile. 

postit note to stick to backs

Inform learners of objectives


Write On board or show in power point


Introduce objectives on the board. By the end of the workshop participants you will be able to:

  • analyze textbook lessons/activities and adapt content for appropriate and meaningful use to meet the learner needs and enhance classroom interactions
  • use textbook, ancillary materials, and other relevant sources to develop an effective communicative lesson/activities appropriate for your learning environment


Stimulate recall of prior learning





Plusses and Minuses

  1. Put into pair. 
  2. Take out paper. Make to columns. 
  3. Write down what is good and bad about your textbooks. 
  4. Share answers.  Most likely that there will be more minuses than plusses.   
  5. Discuss that textbooks are often written out of context by people who are not familiar with your students. They do not know the context you are teaching in.  As a teacher you need to make changes to the textbook so it works for you.  

In today’s session we will look at how to adapt activities to make them more communicative.  


Present the content

Activity 1 

GO for videos

30 ”

Show videos and fill in GO Ideas




One important tip you might want to add to this is teachers need to think about how many students are talking and participating.  

Example: Charades:  What is the difference between: 1) having one student come up to the front and act out a phrase then teacher calls on a person to guess. AND  2) dividing the class into 4 teams one person from each team coming up getting phrase and then going back to group and act out. first group to guess correctly gets point. 

GO Ideas

5. Guide learning 

Activity 1:

3-2-1Likes and Dislikes? Hobbies.


Activity 2: 

Communicative Crossword: 


Activity 3. World Industry Trade: 


Activity4. Blackout BINGO: 



Part 1:  Do the following activities with participants. 

1. Likes and Dislikes? Hobbies. 

  1. Have participants write down 2 things they do in their free time and why. And 2 things they don’t like to do and why. 
  2. Brainstorm questions they might ask someone about hobbies. 
  3. Participants make two lines (A&B) facing each other. 
  4. They will have 3 minutes to talk about their hobbies with each other. 
  5. Rotate everyone takes a step right. The people at the ends will change rows. 
  6. They now have new partners.  Again 3 minutes to talk. 
  7. Rotate everyone takes a step right. The people at the ends will change rows. 
  8. This time give them 2 minutes to talk. 
  9. Rotate everyone takes a step right. The people at the ends will change rows. 
  10. This time 1 minute to talk 
  11. Rotate everyone takes a step right. The people at the ends will change rows. 
  12. This time 30 seconds. 

2. Communicative Crossword: 

  1. Divide class into two pairs. Give pairs the same sheets (one pair will have down and another pair will have across).  Have them go over the vocabulary on their paper. Making sure they can describe the job.
  2. Reform pairs so that a pair is now a person with down and another with across.  
  3. Explain that they need to fill in their crossword by asking each other: What is 2 down?  IT is a person who…. STRESSS that they CANNOT use the world only give definition. 
  4. Pairs go back and forth asking and answering questions till crossword is full.  

3. World Industry Trade: 

  1. Divide into 5 or 10 groups.  
  2. Explain that each group will get a chart that has information for industry in a country.   Each group has a different country.   They need to fill in the rest of the information on the chart. To do this they will have to exchange information with the other groups.  They can only do this when they are at the “market place” (Front of the room).  At market they need to trade information.  Once they have learned something they can fill in their chart.  They cannot bring their chart with them so they must memorize some of the information about their country to trade.  
  3. Hand out charts and have them go through the information.  Tell them each person in the group should remember a bit of info not all.  When they have info memorized to trade, they can come to the marketplace and trade.  They go back to their chart and fill it in with the information they traded for.   They can go back and forth to the market as often as needed to trade information. 

4. Blackout BINGO: 

  1. Have learners draw a nine square bingo grid. 
  2. write on board Have you ever………..?
  3. Learners fill in their grid with the last part of the question.  (One question in one cell) See example below
  4. This is a mingle learners walk around asking their questions. Have you ever?  If someone says yes they crossoff the questions and write that persons name down.  They can only write a persons name down once. 
  5.  Play first till someone gets traditional Bingo then continue till it is blackout they find someone for all their squares. 

Part 2: 

  1. Have participants write down the activities they did with a quick description of the activity.  They each need to write down the information but can discuss and help each other. This could be in their activity trackers. 
  2. You will need to tape the activities around the room. Have participants go around the room and identify the exercise form the book and how it was adapted. This includes the warmup activity. 
  3. As class discuss the changes that were made and how the change made the activity more communicative.

various handouts from file 

6. Elicit performance (practice)



Make groups of three participants: Best if participants that teach same years.


Have them  

Create an adapted textbook lesson/activity. 

Choose a lesson (or a part of a lesson) that participants would like to adapt from your textbook. Describe their learner characteristics and teaching context. 

Which lesson/activity would they adapt and why? 

Suggestions for activity adaptation:

  • Make it into a role play
  • Make it into a pair/group work
  • Make it into a team quiz
  • Simplify the language
  • Replace with a jigsaw reading
  • Use an information gap activity
  • Gallery walk, reflect, and comment
  • What else? What has worked for you in the past?

Are there any new activities you have learned in this module (or learned recently) that you would like to use in this textbook adaptation task? 



7. Provide feedback

Stay and Stray


One person will stay with their poster and activity plan. They will explain their activity and reasoning to the change behind it. 

The other two people  will go to other groups and here what they did . They should divide up to hear all presentations. (1 person to one group and one to another) 

They then come back and report to team mates what they saw and learned. 


8. Assess performance



"The most dangerous phrase in the language is, 'We've always done it this way!'." - Grace Murray Hopper


How does this quote apply to this session and we did ?  

White boards 

9. Enhance retention and transfer

Take it to School



Teachers should do a communicative activity in their class  .   They should video a short example of it their class and post in telegram group. 

Use at least one or two new lessons/activities from today you can use in your next class. Apply the new lesson/activity from this module in your next class. 



Resource Type
Language Level
Student Age