Workshop Plan Module 2

Workshop Title:  Module 2: Giving Clear Instructions


Nine Events

Description of Instructional Event

PowerPoint Slides or Handouts

1. Gain attention

 Warm-up: Picture prompt. Teacher puts the picture of a waterfall on the screen and participants should make a story based on what they see. 

Gain their attention with a quote: “Good directors give short and specific instructions to their actors” (Bill Hader)

Elicit participant responses about what the quote means. (To ensure that they fully comprehend what they need to do to achieve in their classrooms)



2. Inform learners of objectives

Read through the objective (on PPT slide)

Participants will be able to:


  •  describe the features of good teacher talk
  • use several modeling strategies
  • write and practice speaking effective teacher talk for your lessons
  • reflect on how to prepare a teacher talk and share a sample teacher talk using an activity
  • understand clear instruction is very important, understand step-by-step instruction is mandatory

PPT slide

3. Stimulate recall of prior learning

Fluency circle

1. Participants stand in two circles of even numbers with the inner circle facing out, and the outer circle facing in.

2. Tell the inner circle that they are the speakers. Tell the outer circle that they are the listeners.

3. Give the participants a topic (Building routines in English)

4. The participants in the inner circle talk to their partners for 30 seconds about the topic.

5. The Trainer says, “Stop!” and the talkers move one space clockwise.

6. Give both circles a chance to be talkers. Participants can report back what they heard.


What are the instructions? When do we need them? 

How do you give clear instructions to your learners? 

4. Present the content

 Demonstrate the videos from TETE:

Video 1. Giving Clear Instructions for Forming Groups. After watching Video 1 check the participants understanding through Thumbs up/Thumbs down activity 





Video 2. Teacher Talk for Managing Activities

After watching Video 2 check the participants understanding through True/False activity 👍/👎



5. Guide learning 

Reading the Article 2: Giving Effective Instructions: Using Think Aloud by Hyunsun Chung and Woomee Kim

Gallery Walk

Texts should be displayed “gallery style,” in a way that allows students to disperse themselves around the room, with several students clustering around each particular text. Texts can be hung on walls or placed on tables. The most important factor is that the texts are spread far enough apart to reduce significant crowding.

create a graphic organizer for them to complete as they view the “exhibit,” 

6. Elicit performance (practice)

Ask participants to:

  • work in groups of 4 or 5
  • choose an activity
  • Write a monologue of clear instructions that theysay to their students.
  • Share their instructions with other groups




7. Provide feedback

 Gets and needs - In order to organize “Gets and Needs” feedback strategy, participants need to draw a line in the middle of the paper and make a list of Gets-the information he/she got, understood and wants to apply in his teaching. Another column is Needs- the information participant did not fully understand or some points which were not clear for him/her.

The instructor then collects the papers in order to clarify what went well and what should be retaught. 


8. Assess performance

Tell participants to  

  • create an infographic about giving clear instructions. 
  • participants create infographics on the poster or on Canva and share with the group

9. Enhance retention and transfer

 Before leaving the workshop ask participants which activity they liked and want to implement in their lessons. 



Resource Type
Giving clear instructions